22 General utilities library [utilities]

22.12 Execution policies [execpol]

22.12.1 General [execpol.general]

Subclause [execpol] describes classes that are execution policy types.
An object of an execution policy type indicates the kinds of parallelism allowed in the execution of an algorithm and expresses the consequent requirements on the element access functions.
Execution policy types are declared in header <execution>.
[Example 1: using namespace std; vector<int> v = /* ... */; // standard sequential sort sort(v.begin(), v.end()); // explicitly sequential sort sort(execution::seq, v.begin(), v.end()); // permitting parallel execution sort(execution::par, v.begin(), v.end()); // permitting vectorization as well sort(execution::par_unseq, v.begin(), v.end()); — end example]
[Note 1: 
Implementations can provide additional execution policies to those described in this document as extensions to address parallel architectures that require idiosyncratic parameters for efficient execution.
— end note]