16 Library introduction [library]

16.3 Method of description [description]

16.3.3 Other conventions [conventions] Exposition-only entities, etc. [expos.only.entity]

Several entities and typedef-names defined in [support] through [exec] and [depr] are only defined for the purpose of exposition.
The declaration of such an entity or typedef-name is followed by a comment ending in exposition only.
The following are defined for exposition only to aid in the specification of the library: namespace std { template<class T> requires convertible_to<T, decay_t<T>> constexpr decay_t<T> decay-copy(T&& v) // exposition only noexcept(is_nothrow_convertible_v<T, decay_t<T>>) { return std::forward<T>(v); } constexpr auto synth-three-way = // exposition only []<class T, class U>(const T& t, const U& u) requires requires { { t < u } -> boolean-testable; { u < t } -> boolean-testable; } { if constexpr (three_way_comparable_with<T, U>) { return t <=> u; } else { if (t < u) return weak_ordering::less; if (u < t) return weak_ordering::greater; return weak_ordering::equivalent; } }; template<class T, class U=T> using synth-three-way-result = // exposition only decltype(synth-three-way(declval<T&>(), declval<U&>())); }
An object dst is said to be decay-copied from a subexpression src if the type of dst is decay_t<decltype((src))>