22 General utilities library [utilities]

22.14 Formatting [format]

22.14.8 Arguments [format.arguments] Class template format-arg-store [format.arg.store]

namespace std { template<class Context, class... Args> class format-arg-store { // exposition only array<basic_format_arg<Context>, sizeof...(Args)> args; // exposition only }; }
An instance of format-arg-store stores formatting arguments.
template<class Context = format_context, class... Args> format-arg-store<Context, Args...> make_format_args(Args&... fmt_args);
Preconditions: The type typename Context​::​template formatter_type<remove_const_t<>> meets the BasicFormatter requirements ([formatter.requirements]) for each in Args.
Returns: An object of type format-arg-store<Context, Args...> whose args data member is initialized with {basic_format_arg<Context>(fmt_args)...}.
template<class... Args> format-arg-store<wformat_context, Args...> make_wformat_args(Args&... args);
Effects: Equivalent to: return make_format_args<wformat_context>(args...);